IT and Media
Our IT and Media experts help clients across platforms navigate
some of the most challenging legal issues
that arise as a result of rapid technological development.
In recent years, the IT and Media sectors have undergone transformation with considerable
technological advancements, product diversification, and new competitors on the market; for
companies, this means fundamentally adapting and transforming traditional business models to stay
ahead of the curve.
We advise technology, telecommunications, internet, e-commerce, and electronic media companies on a
broad spectrum of business transactions and other legal, regulatory, and public policy issues.
Vorkapić Đokić experts regularly advise on:
- Legal advice in procedures for obtaining permits for performing activities in the field of media and telecommunications;
- Legal support in resolving legal issues related to advertising through media, internet and other platforms;
- Drafting of contracts regarding the regulation and protection of the rights of creators, producers, publishers, film studios, radio and television broadcasters;
- Representation before regulatory bodies within this industry as well as in court and other proceedings for the protection of rights;
- Finding "tailor made" solutions for innovative companies in order to comply with valid legal solutions.